Nose Piercing On Both Sides

Nose piercing is the practice of puncturing the skin or cartilage of the nose to place jewelry. It is an ancient tradition practiced in many cultures around the world and remains popular today. Common nostril and septum piercings provide space for small studs, hoops, or rings. Nose piercings require proper aftercare to allow healing and prevent infection.

The sharp glint of light on the perfectly symmetrical studs catches your eye across the room. Her bold style features sparkling gems marking both sides of her elegant nose, framed by flowing locks. She exudes an alluring confidence you envy. You’ve deliberated getting your nostril or septum pierced, but never committed to the needle. Seeing her fierce look awakens your inner rebel ready to take the plunge into doubles. If striking style calls to you, discover how to rock show-stopping nose piercings on both sides.

Getting nose piercings, such as paired high nostril or symmetrical septum jewelry, on both the right and left side of the nose provides balance while making a bold fashion statement that draws attention to the middle of the face.

Does two nose piercings mean?

Having two nose piercings speaks to your fashion sense and personal style. From twin nostril studs to a sparkling septum and gemstone nose ring paired on either side, the symmetry of multiple facial piercings creates visual interest in the center of your face. Choosing to adorn your nose on both sides showcases confidence, body autonomy, and the desire to stand out with edgy embellishments.

Opting for two nose piercings instead of one also indicates an appreciation for harmonized accessories and balanced dazzle. Dual nose jewelry delivers heightened luster and compliments on your polished, curated look. An even number attracts the eye through correlation, as matching piercings achieve a put-together aesthetic. Your double nose piercings telegraph self-assurance and commitment to your own vision of beauty.

Both Side Nose Piercing – Can Anyone Get One?

Nose piercings on both sides can complement most faces, though individual anatomy should guide placement. The septum’s central location suits symmetrical adornment if nasal structure allows. Nostrils likewise support paired jewelry or a hoop and stud mix, creating a distinctive and stylish look. When considering dual nose piercings, such as a nostril pairing, it’s essential to ensure that the underlying cartilage can be safely pierced. If you’re interested in exploring this trend further, a close-up view of a well-executed nose piercing close up can provide inspiration for your personal style.

Anatomy permitting, two nose piercings typically pose no medical restrictions regarding age, gender, or ethnicity. However, precautions apply for those prone to keloid scarring or with circulatory conditions slowing healing. Additionally, occupation dress codes may dictate removal despite piercings suiting you. Consult a qualified piercer on flattering positioning and jewelry for your unique nose. With a reputable expert guiding placement, most people can fashionably accent their nostrils or septum on both sides.

How much does it actually hurt?

How much does it actually hurt?

With proper piercing technique and jewelry selection, getting both nostrils or sides of your septum pierced produces only moderate discomfort. The nose’s cartilage and skin generally provoke less pain response than areas like the body or tongue. Everyone’s pain tolerance differs. Many report quick nostril piercings feel akin to a sharp pinch subsiding to dull soreness, while septum piercing elicits a stronger sting. Proper breathing helps you manage unpleasant sensations. Having side-by-side nose piercings done simultaneously also slightly heightens pain. But any discomfort proves fleeting and worth the stylish outcome.  

Post-piercing tenderness varies too according to aftercare. Keeping new nose piercings appropriately cleaned and free from infection prevents unnecessary pain and facilitates quicker healing. Even more than the piercing process, overcoming the two to three months needed for full stabilization challenges impatience for jewelry upgrades or changes. Take measures to reduce swelling and irritation. Then flaunt your showstopping double nose embellishments without regretting discomfort. For most, any piercing pinch passes swiftly on the path to fashion forward adornment.

What should I expect to pay?

Prices for dual nose piercings cover the consultation, jewelry, and service itself. Most reputably piercing shops charge between $30 to $100 total for one nose piercing and slightly extra to have two piercings done in the same sitting. Septum or paired nostril studs in standard metals like surgical steel usually come included in the service fee. However, opting for specialized loops or sparkling stones in your starter jewelry across both sides necessitates additional costs. Salons in trendy city areas or featuring master piercers also command top dollar, but deliver exceptional artistry, techniques, and hygienic standards. With some savvy vetting, expect to shell out around $60 to $120 for both professional piercing and introductory nose jewelry of your choice.

Getting both nostrils or your septum’s symmetrical piercing points embellished requires some expense to do correctly, but your faceturns into a chic focal point. Balance your look as well as your budget by selecting premium piercing services but simple, high-quality starter studs or rings. As piercings heal fully in a few months, you can then upgrade either or both sides to eye-catching adornments that express your personal taste. By investing you’ll start out with the foundation for beautiful twin nose piercings to show off.

Any potential risks to consider?

Despite following piercing best practices, any invasive procedure carries infection risks from improperly sterilized equipment or poor aftercare. With nostrils and septum tissue healing slower than earlobes, both sides require diligent cleaning and rotation to reduce these threats. Additionally, trauma including forceful blows to either piercing site during the months-long stabilization period may damage the piercing canal and prompt trauma-induced infection. Reputable piercing shops greatly mitigate contamination risks and provide detailed cleaning instructions, though accidents can still occur even once healed.

Beyond infection, other key considerations are allergic jewelry reactions and embedding or rejection if piercing holes close over buried jewelry. Balance these factors by having an experienced professional assess your anatomy, sensitivities, and lifestyle to guide ideal piercing and accessory selection for both nasal sides. They can administer piercings properly spaced apart and suggest hypoallergenic metals or plastics to minimize issues. While staying vigilant with a multiple new nose piercings, the stylish symmetry is well worth handling risks through reputable piercing practices and attentive aftercare.

What do I need to do afterward?

What do I need to do afterward?
  • Clean both piercings 2-3 times daily with a saline spray or non-woven gauze soaked in warm saline to remove crusties and debris 
  • Rinse nostrils in the shower to flush out dirt and skin cells without irritation 
  • Rotate starter nose jewelry daily in each piercing to prevent embedding while healing  
  • Avoid touching, playing with or handling both new piercings to minimize infection transfer 
  • Take anti-inflammatory medicine as needed to ease post-procedure swelling  
  • Be sure to use fresh bed linens to avoid contact with possible germs while sleeping
  • Downsize starter nose jewelry after the 2-3 month initial healing phase to prevent catching or snagging hazards

How long does it take to heal?

The nasal tissue and cartilage pierced for your fashionable new nose embellishments require dedicated time to regenerate fully. Expect the initial healing stage for both your paired nostril and septum piercings to last between 6 to 10 weeks. During this period, limit contact with your sparkling nose jewelry and keep the area gently cleaned while allowing crusties to flake off naturally around the piercing holes. Resist changing out your starter studs or hoops prematurely before the sensitive healing phase concludes. 

After about 2 to 3 months, your nostrils or septum pierced on both sides should stabilize enough to safely swap jewelry or get pierced again. Note seasonal allergies or illnesses could slightly prolong total healing time even once past the initial healing period. Be patient with both new piercings by listening to your body and allowing several months before removing jewelry for good or replacing it with alternate styles between both sides. Give your fashionable new facial additions ample time to integrate so you can stylishly show off your edgy sophistication.

When can I change the jewelry?

Timeframe after Piercing Nostril Piercings Septum Piercings

Day 1- Week 3 • Keep starter stud in place • Leave initial ring or retainer alone

Weeks 4-8 • Replace if embed or rejection • Rotate starter jewelry daily

2 Months  • Swap for short-term accessory • Briefly change to similar shape/size

3 Months   • Change style safely • Switch freely to any correctly sized adornment

6+ Months • Modify at will; fully healed • Customize freely; stabilized for accessories of choice

The table indicates approximate time windows from the initial piercing date for when both nostril and septum piercings have healed enough to safely accommodate jewelry changes or replacements without risking setbacks. Be sure to progress slowly and listen your body even beyond the projected healing schedule before changing your sparkling nose embellishments too radically on both pierced sides. Patience leads to happy healed piercings able to hold the jewelry looks you love.

How do I know if there’s a problem?

Being attentive to your pierced nostrils and septum tissue helps notice warning signs of issues arising. Tenderness beyond the typical dull soreness, heat radiating from sites, and discolored fluid leakage all indicate possible infection. Additionally, if crust formation and flaking persists past eight weeks post-piercing or develops a yellow or green tinge, risk of contamination exists. Growth of fever blisters on the skin or nostrils also warrants inspection. Should jewelry embed or the piercing hole threaten to close over studs or rings, prompt medical help prevents permanent damage. For trouble free outcomes, monitor your two new nose piercings daily and follow up quickly with your piercer on any questionable symptoms arising on either side. 

Aside from infection risks, trauma from impact that causes bleeding or vomiting shortly after piercings can also jeopardize healing. Jewelry displacement or sudden onset pain under gentle contact flags potential problems. If the angle of piercing looks off or you experience migration of the holes, fluid filling of tissue behind the septum, or a piercing bump, have a professional assess whether intervention is needed. Stay vigilant to prevent simple piercing aftercare errors from turning into bigger corrective headaches. Identifying issues early better safeguards your investment in sophisticated style.

Double nose piercing experiences

Double nose piercing experiences

The symmetry and added sparkle of twin nose studs or hoops captivates Divya, who got low nostril piercings to mark her 18th birthday. Though nervous about the needle, her piercer’s calm demeanor and chatter soothed her through the quick pinch. She loves how her delicate star studs catch the light. Divya admits occasionally she sleeps on her piercings wrong causing some soreness. But diligent aftercare keeps irritation minimal so she can enjoy her edgy accessorized look. Her bold yet refined style makes Divya feel confident and stylish in her every day life as well as for going out on weekends.

Michael, who has several ear and a traditional septum piercing, decided to get the cartilage between his nostrils pierced for a more avant garde appearance. He felt euphoric after getting the somewhat painful high-positioned studs, despite short-lived bleeding. Cleaning around the jewelry proves tricky but rotating the balls alleviates soreness. Michael’s bridge piercings elicit lots of attention and questions. Combined with his existing alt look, his piercer called the paired additions his best combo yet. When people ask if the studs hurt, he says the rush of wearing standout body art makes it all worthwhile.

double nose piercing jewelry

  • Mix metals, gems, or hoop shapes to make eclectic asymmetrical statements with duel piercings 
  • Try subtle, minimalist studs on both sides for an understated style
  • Coordinate your nose jewelry with other facial or ear piercings 
  • Accentuate dual nose piercings with a bold septum ring as the center focal point
  • Choose opals, crystals, pearls, or birthstones to add personal meaning
  • Pair plain metal on one side with sparkling crystals or vibrant enamel on the other
  • Opt for harmonious balance using identical metal colors and jewel shapes in corresponding sizes

2 nose piercings on each side

Doubling down on nose embellishments serves maximum boldness having two piercings on both the left and right nostrils. Symmetry reigns by adorning each side identically for visual cohesion. Like wearing coordinated earrings, balanced dual studs or rings make an appealing statement. For variety, one side might feature two simple sparkling crystals while the other mixes metals with a plain and bejeweled hoop. Such quadrupled nose piercings attract attention while projecting artistic flair and the confidence to carry off unusual self-decoration.

Going for two nose piercings on each nostril ups the wow factor exponentially. Curating four complementary studs or hoops takes advanced style sense and commitment. Healing multiple piercings simultaneously also proves challenging, especially avoiding entanglements. But for those seeking to push creative bounds through avant-garde looks, quad nose piercings place them firmly on the cutting edge. With meticulous spacing and jewelry selection, they can build a truly distinct aesthetic. For them, no amount of dazzle can overwhelm their face’s real estate when it comes to displaying edgy sophistication.


What does a nose piercing on both sides mean?

Getting nose piercings on both the left and right side means you have a bold, symmetrical style and want to decorate the center of your face to showcase your confidence and flair.

Is it okay to get both sides of your nose pierced at the same time?

Getting both sides of your nose pierced simultaneously is safe and ideal for healing evenly, as long as a qualified professional does the piercings under sterile conditions.

Is double nose piercing good?

Double nose piercings have an edgy yet balanced aesthetic when done correctly, making this trendy symmetrical look a good choice for expressing your bold personal style.

What nose piercing goes through both nostrils?

A bridge piercing for the area of cartilage between the nostrils is the type of nose piercing that penetrates through both sides of the nose.


Nose piercings paired elegantly across both sides of your nostrils or septum make fashion forward statements telegraphing confidence and plucky style. The symmetry, sparkle, and edge of twin nose studs, hoops, or rings catch eyes while complementing center facial features. Healing two new nose piercings simultaneously requires extra diligence with cleaning and care. But reputable piercing shops can place attractive jewelry to flatter your anatomy for a stylish balanced look. 

If making your mark through standout appearance matters, give dual nose piercings consideration. Allow an expert to assess optimal placement and best initial jewelry to minimize risks. While evolutionary in impact, healing multiple facial piercings simply takes patience. In as little as eight weeks post-piercing, you can begin subtly showing off your bold new look. So embrace nostril or septum adornment equally on both sides to display your avant-garde spirit.

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