Which Side Of My Nose Should I Get Pierced

So, you’re considering a nose piercing, but there’s a pressing question on your mind: which side should you choose? Whether you’re aiming for a subtle stud or a bold ring, the decision isn’t just about aesthetics—it also involves understanding cultural significance and potential health implications. Let’s delve into the factors to consider before making this stylish statement.

Picture this: You’re standing in front of the mirror, ready to take the plunge into the world of nose piercings. But before you commit, let’s explore which side will best suit your style and personality. Are you ready to find out?

Cultural Significance

Cultural Significance

Nose piercings have a rich cultural history spanning centuries and continents. In many Eastern cultures, the left side holds spiritual significance, symbolizing femininity, fertility, and the power of intuition. Conversely, the right side is often associated with masculinity and strength. However, in Western culture, these traditional meanings have evolved, and personal preference typically guides the decision.

Left Side Piercing

Opting for a left-sided nose piercing might align with your desire to embrace your feminine energy or tap into your intuitive nature. In some cultures, it’s believed that piercing the left nostril can ease childbirth and menstrual pain, although these claims lack scientific backing. From a fashion standpoint, the left side is often chosen for its perceived elegance and subtlety.

Right Side Piercing

Choosing the right side for your nose piercing can convey confidence and assertiveness. While it may not carry the same spiritual connotations as the left side in certain cultures, it’s a popular choice for those seeking to make a bold statement. Plus, if you’re concerned about symmetry or balance with other piercings or accessories, the right side might be the perfect fit. If you’re considering making adjustments to your piercing, such as downsizing, check out our guide on how to downsize nose piercing for helpful tips.

Septum Piercing

Don’t forget about the septum! Positioned in the center of the nose, a septum piercing offers a unique alternative to nostril piercings. It’s versatile, allowing you to adorn it with various jewelry styles, from subtle hoops to elaborate clickers. Whether you’re drawn to its edgy appeal or simply prefer a symmetrical look, the septum is worth considering in your piercing journey.

Practical Considerations

Beyond cultural significance, practical factors should also influence your decision.


Every nose is unique, so it’s essential to consider your anatomy before selecting a piercing location. Your piercer will assess factors like nostril size, cartilage structure, and blood flow to determine the optimal placement for minimal discomfort and optimal healing.


Your lifestyle plays a significant role in choosing the side of your nose piercing. For example, if you’re a side sleeper, piercing the nostril you don’t typically lay on might minimize irritation during the healing process. Similarly, if you wear glasses, consider which side will accommodate them without interference.

Healing Process

Regardless of which side you choose, proper aftercare is crucial for a successful piercing experience. Follow your piercer’s instructions diligently, keeping the area clean and avoiding harsh products or touching the piercing with dirty hands. Be patient; healing times can vary, but with proper care, you’ll be flaunting your new accessory in no time.


Does It Hurt More on One Side?

Pain tolerance varies from person to person, but generally, the level of discomfort is similar regardless of which side you choose. Proper technique and a skilled piercer can help minimize pain during the procedure.

Can I Change Sides Later?

Absolutely! Nose piercings are versatile, and if you decide you prefer the other side or want to try something new, you can always switch it up. Just be sure to consult with your piercer and allow ample time for the piercing to heal before making changes.

Which Side Is More Common?

There’s no definitive answer to this question, as trends vary by region and individual preference. Ultimately, the best side for you is the one that resonates with your style and personality.


In the world of nose piercings, the decision of which side to choose is a personal one, influenced by cultural significance, practical considerations, and individual style. Whether you opt for the left side, the right side, or even the septum, embrace your choice with confidence and enjoy expressing yourself through this timeless form of body art. So, which side will you choose?

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